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Friday, March 21, 2008

Numbers 32-33:39; Luke 4:31-5:11; Psalm 64:1-10; Proverbs 11:22 (New Living Translation)

Old Testament

1. The Transjordan Tribes

- Two of the Israelite tribes, who had very large herds and flocks, noted that the lands east of Jordan were suitable for livestock. So they requested permission to settle in those lands, which had been taken in battle.

- Permission was granted on the condition that the men fit for war go with their brothers to battle for the Promised Land, which lay beyond the Jordan River.

- This is a tremendous demonstration of their faith. They were willing to build cities for their families and flocks, and then leave them unprotected as they traveled across the river to fight. God would take care of their families while they were away. They would do their duties, and trust Him!

2. Remembering Israel's journey.

- 40 years of wandering around the wilderness.

- Aaron dies.

New Testament

3. Luke now tells a series of stories. He shows us Jesus, casting out evil spirits. And he shows us Jesus, reaching out to heal and to strengthen the sick.

- Surely the One who personally overcame temptation, and who used His power to bring health and wholeness to the sick of His day, will heal our hearts and give us the power to live new, and better lives.

4. The first disciples

- What can we to learn from Peter's story here?

- We who are sinners need not fear God. He forgives us and transforms us as well. What Jesus told Peter is something He says to each of us who come to Him acknowledging our sin: from now on, life will be different.

- Peter and his companions left everything there on the beach- including the great catch of fish- and followed Jesus. All that had been important to them before was now willingly set aside. In the fulfillment found in relationship with Jesus Christ, all of life was becoming new.


5. "Yes, the human heart and mind are cunning."


6. "A beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout."

See you next post...

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