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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Numbers 36:1-13; Deuteronomy 1:1-46; Luke 5:29-6:11; Psalm 66:1-20; Proverbs 11:24-26 (New Living Translation)

It's Resurrection Sunday...The Lord is risen, we are redeemed!

Old Testament

1. Rules made about women who inherit property.

- Thus ends the Book of Numbers. We begin a new book, Deuteronomy.

2. Deuteronomy

- One of the most significant of the Old Testament.

- Often quoted by Jesus. This book is the source of all Jesus' quotes when He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness.

- "Deutero-nomy" means "second law." However, this is not just a re-hashing of the Law given at Sinai, but also a commentary on the Law's deeper meanings. As we read Deuteronomy we sense the deep love that underlies God's gift of Law- and the love for God that is necessary if any person is to be obedient to Him.

3. First we have lessons in relationships

4. God's promises are sure (1:6-8)

- He speaks of His promises not as something that He will do, but as something He has already done. We can apply this in our own lives. When we find God's promises in the Bible, we can claim them with confidence.

5. Be fearless and fair (1:9-18)

- When the burden of leadership was too great for Moses to carry alone, he appointed wise and respected men. in the community to share his ministry.

- Moses laid down basic principles which apply in any leadership role.

- Leaders are not to be influenced by fear of what others think, or by the position held by any man or woman. Each person is to be valued alike; each is to be heard.

- God's will is to be the ultimate consideration in how the leader leads and what he does, for God is the ultimate Judge.

6. Face reality (1:19-25)

- Here Moses explained something of his motives. He wanted to simply point to the land, and say,"Go!" But the people wanted to send spies ahead to bring back a report. Moses did not stop to ask God. He simply liked the idea and acted on it.

- Moses two warning are warnings for us today: "do not be afraid" and "do not be discouraged."

7. Fear is an enemy of faith (1:26-46)

- The problem with Israel was that despite all the evidence of God's care, they still would not trust Him.

- The lesson for us? The memory of God's work in our lives is to quiet our fears, and restore our trust.

New Testament

8. Jesus as Lord

- Jesus had demonstrated clearly who He is. How did those around Him respond?

- Many hesitated.

- Others criticized.

- Some hated.


9. "You have tested us, O God; you have purified us like silver. "

10. " You captured us in your net and laid the burden of slavery on our backs."

11. "If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer."


12. "The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."

See you next post...

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