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Friday, February 1, 2008

Exodus 13:17-15:18; Matthew 21:23-46; Psalm 26:1-12; Proverbs 6:16-19 (New Living Translation)

Didn't post yesterday, too tired. So I'll try to make up for it tonight by doing both nights together...

Old Testament text

1. The final stroke against Egypt was the death of each firstborn.

2. Moses moves the Israelites to a hurried preparation. They were told to ask for gold and jewels from the Egyptians. The Lord would move their masters to give. The Israelites were to pack and prepare for a sudden departure. The bread was not to be mixed with yeast- there would be no time for it to rise. A young, unblemished lamb was to be taken into each household. The family was to eat the lamb, taking care not to break any bones. This ceremony is called the "Passover."

3. This is called the Passover because on the night the lamb was slain, God's death angel would move through Egypt. The firstborn of every family would die.Yet the death angel would pass over homes protected by the blood of the lamb.

4. The full significance of this event waited until the coming of Christ. His death on Calvary took place as the lamb of God.

5. God did not lead the Israelites out by a direct route. They needed time to trust God, time to become organized.

6. It was at the "sea of reeds" that the Isrealites realized that the Egyptians were pursuing them. Pharaoh and the Egytian people recovered quickly. The Pharaoh forgot God. But so had the Israelites. They complained bitterly to Moses. Moses' response is an excellent watchword for us today..."Stand still, and watch God deliver you."

7. The Egytians were destroyed.

New Testament text

8. This section begins with Passover week, a few short days before the Crucifixion. There are merchants in the section of the temple reserved for prayer. The preists were selling "approved" lambs and pigeons. Jesus healed the blind and lame brought to Him. The crowds shouted, "Hosanna." The chief proests and scribes saw theses miracles and their hearts were hardened.

9. On His way back to Jerusalem Jesus appraches a fig tree, as if to pluck some fruit for breakfast. The the foliage is luxuriant, there was no fruit. The fig tree of Israel which appeared to be fruitful, was not. It was to wither away, its fruitlessness exposed.

10. What was wrong with the scribes and Pharisees?

- they were empty of authority

- they were untouched by the evidence of transformed (changed) lives, because they didn't care about people.

- their desire was for personal power

- they acted only to be seen and admired by others

- they preached but they did not practice

See you next post...

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