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Friday, March 28, 2008

Deuteronomy 7-8:20; Luke 7:36-8:3; Psalm 69:1-18; Proverbs 12:1 (New Living Translation)

Sorry, computer malfunction yesterday. After I finished my typing it was lost. And, frankly I was too tired to do it again. So...

Old Testament

1. Once in the land, Israel was to destroy the pagans and their images, lest they draw God's people away from Him. Every alternative to a life of godliness was to be rejected. Why?...

- "6 For you are a holy people, who belong to the Lord your God. Of all the people on earth, the Lord your God has chosen you to be his own special treasure.
- 7 “The Lord did not set his heart on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations!
- 8 Rather, it was simply that the Lord loves you, and he was keeping the oath he had sworn to your ancestors. That is why the Lord rescued you with such a strong hand from your slavery and from the oppressive hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt.
- 9 Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands. "

2. In the eighth chapter God reviewed His discipline of the unresponsive generation.

- Why did God discipline?

- "3 Yes, he humbled you by letting you go hungry and then feeding you with manna, a food previously unknown to you and your ancestors. He did it to teach you that people do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

- 4 For all these forty years your clothes didn’t wear out, and your feet didn’t blister or swell.

- 5 Think about it: Just as a parent disciplines a child, the Lord your God disciplines you for your own good."

3. You see the quote by Jesus while He was being tempted in the wilderness...we do not live by red alone, BUT by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord!

New Testament

4. Jesus anointed by a sinful woman

- Tradition tells us that this is Mary Magdalene.

- What is the lesson? The one who will not accept forgiveness will never learn to love.

5. People rejected Jesus for three reasons- (1) This isn't what they expected from God, (2) Jesus didn't play by their rules, and (3) They felt they had no need of forgiveness.



6. "To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction"

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